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The Science Alliance is a UI-sponsored collaborative program, connecting faculty, staff, graduate students and post-docs interested in cultivating future generations of scientists with UI students currently exploring research opportunities.

The Science Alliance Internship Program supports undergraduate first and second year students interested in exploring research on campus. The program aims to enrich the undergraduate experience through coursework, mentor matching, career guidance, and creating a cohort of students with similar interests in PhD-related research careers in science. Competitive wages to carryout research in laboratories and access to a summer program for Science Alliance Interns will be provided.
The Science Alliance strives to create pathways to access higher education and career goals for students who may have faced unique challenges, such as students who are first generation, rural, receive Pell grants, or have a disability. Race and ethnicity are not considered in the application process. Students should be eager to contribute to a supportive community of peers.
In addition to carrying out paid undergraduate research for 10-12 hours per week, Science Alliance Interns in their first semester will enroll in ISA:1041 – Entering Research (1 s.h.) and then ISA:2040 - Professionalism in the Scientific Community or ISA:2041-Career Exploration and Specification depending on the student’s point of entry into the program. Course should be determined with assistance from program staff.
Not accepting applications at this time