The ISA Summer Program is 8 weeks - starting June 5th. Please see below for more information and the schedule.

All UI-MARC*, LSAMP, and Science Alliance students are eligible to participate in our summer program. The ISA Summer Program consists of:

  • Laboratory research of at least 20 but no more than 40 hours per week, depending on the program.
  • Weekly ISA Student Development Seminar 
    (Wednesdays from 11:30-12:20pm) starting June 5th and ending July 24th
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Conference
    Students will have opportunity to present a poster on their summer research on Wednesday July 24th 
  • Social Events throughout the summer
  • On-campus room and board in Petersen Hall (sign up when applying for Summer Program)
    • Provided for participants in need.
    • Check-in and check-out dates will be announced.
    • A summer stipend for room and board will NOT be provided for students living off-campus.

*Summer research is required for UI-MARC students. MARC students must participate in ISA Summer Program if staying on campus or do summer research with an approved program off campus. For all other students the ISA Summer Program is optional.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns about the summer program!

ISA Summer Program 2024

6/5         Sciences Library, 3rd floor                11:30 - 12:20         Welcome and Overview
(The Sciences Library is on Iowa Ave between BB and Phillips Hall)
6/12Sciences Library, 3rd floor11:30 - 12:20Careers in STEM: What Can I Do with a PhD?
6/192520D UCC11:30 - 12:20Translational Science - What is It and How Does It Relate to Research and My Career?
6/262520D UCC11:30 - 12:20Poster Design Workshop
7/3Zoom11:30 - 12:20ISA Alumni Panel of Students in Graduate Programs
7/102520D UCC11:30 - 12:20Research Ethics Case Studies
7/172520D UCC11:30 - 12:20Training and Funding Opportunities: NSF-GRFP, REUs, PostBacs, MSTP, and more!
7/22BBE Atrium and 106 BBE4:00 - 6:00Poster Practice Session
7/24IMU Main Lounge1:00 - 3:30Summer Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC)
Registration opens June 17, closes July 12 at 5:00 pm
7/24335 IMU (Divine 9 room)3:30 - 4:30End of Summer Reception - all students and mentors are invited to celebrate with appetizers provided!