Poster Design

  • Standard size of posters are 4ft x 3ft - If using PowerPoint select 4:3 Ratio for Slide Size.
  • Downloadable templates
  • Check within your lab to see if anyone has a poster presentation template.
  • See resources below for additional information.

Poster Printing

  • ISA, UI-LSAMP, or Science Alliance will cover the expense of printing your poster.
  • Contact to request the correct MFK (account number) to be used for billing.
  • You may use the Biology Department for printing if your lab does not have the service available
    • Online Request - If using the Biology Department, please use:
    • List your PI as the approver and make sure to let them know that they will need to give a final approval before your poster goes to print. If a tight turnaround, you can choose Joan Aune or Kristina Venzke to approve.
    • Paper type - Heavyweight Coated Paper
    • Make sure to submit your request at least 48 hours in advance of when you need it

Funding Acknowledgements

We ask that students add the following verbiage to their poster:

  • IBA-IMSD – "Research reported in this presentation is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R25GM058939, the University of Iowa (UI) Office of the Vice President for Research, Graduate College, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, and Office of the Provost.”
  • UI-MARC - “Research reported in this presentation supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM141143, the University of Iowa (UI) Office of the Vice President for Research, Graduate College, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, and Office of the Provost.”
  • UI-LSAMP - “Research reported in this presentation is supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Number 2207350, Subaward 026450E and the University of Iowa (UI) Office of the Vice President for Research, Graduate College, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, and Office of the Provost.
  • Science Alliance - Research reported in this presentation is supported by the University of Iowa (UI) Office of the Vice President for Research, Graduate College, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology, and Office of the Provost.




Should I put the graduate students whose work I assisted with as first author or myself?
You should talk with your faculty mentor to determine the order of authorship.  Generally speaking, if you created the poster – list yourself first, but make sure to credit the appropriate people you collaborated with.

Can I add my poster presentation to my CV?
Absolutely - if you are presenting at a local, regional or national conference.


Adams, L., Rodgers, V., and Forbes, T. (July 27, 2022). Iowa Biosciences Academy: A community of scientists that value diversity. [Poster Presentation]. University of Iowa 15th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Conference, Iowa City, IA, United States


See for more information.