Main navigation
For upcoming seminars and events specific to your areas of interests, please see the Seminars page.
Conference and Presentation Opportunities
For upcoming conference and presentation opportunities, please see the Conferences page.
Student Travel
Iowa Sciences Academy and Science Alliance students who have been accepted for Poster or Oral presentations at a conference may request financial assistance through ISA. The conference should be related to their degree program or field of research. ISA will help with expenses for one conference each academic year. Students may request assistance for additional conferences but those will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Requesting Travel Assistance for ISA, UI-MARC, UI-LSAMP and Science Alliance Interns
Prior to travel: Please complete the ISA Travel Assistance Form and submit to for assistance with paying for abstract submissions, conference registrations or other expenses related to presenting your research.
After travel: Please complete the Travel Reimbursement Request Form and submit to for reimbursement. You will not be reimbursed without a receipt. You will need to submit:
- Hotel invoice
- Itemized meal receipts - the receipt that shows what you ordered and the cost
- Taxi/Uber receipts (business purpose only)
- Airfare itinerary with cost
- Other receipts if applicable