Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Spring semester 2024

Iowa Sciences Academy Student Presentations

Regional/National Conferences
Waad AbdellaLSAMPWaad Abdella, University of Iowa. Infection Dynamics of Disease Associated S. Suis (Dass) At Farrowing. IINSPIRE LSAMP Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa. February 9 – 10 2024.
Jacques BugumbaLSAMPJacques Bugumba, University of Iowa; Subin Erattakulangara, University of Iowa; David Meyer, Shenandoah University; Sajan Goud Lingala, University of Iowa. A 3-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pipeline to Visualize The Human Vocal Tract During Phonation (poster presentation). IINSPIRE LSAMP Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa. February 9 – 10 2024.
Seren CastellanoScience Alliance, MARCSeren Castellano, Andrew Kitchen, University of Iowa. Analyzing Evolutionary Mutation Rates in Polyomaviridae (Oral presentation).  IINSPIRE LSAMP Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa February 9 – 10 2024. Received an award for 2nd Place as Best Oral Presentation.
Kiley ChristopherMARCK. Christopher, A. Keyes, K. Solanki, Y. Andrianov, L. Shutov, C. Warwick, V. Krotov, K. Agashkov, S. Romanenko, O. Halaidych, I. Blashchak, T. Woodruff, P. Belan, N. Voitenko, Y. Usachev ., Spinal Cord Expression and Involvement of Complement Receptor C5aR1 in Neuropathic Pain. United States Association for Studying Pain National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2024.
Quinn EldridgeScience AllianceQuinn Eldridge, University of Iowa; Brianna Steiert, University of Iowa; Xavier Tijerina, University of Iowa; Paige N. McCaslin, University of Iowa; Parker Smith, University of Iowa; Brian Imai, University of Illinois Urbanna-Champaign; Justine Arrington, University of Illinois Urbanna-Champaign; Peter M. Yau, University of Illinois Urbanna-Champaign; Mary M. Weber University of Iowa. Characterization Of Chlamydia Trachomatis Type Iii Secreted Effector Protein Ct584. IINSPIRE LSAMP Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa. February 9 – 10 2024. Received an award for Third Place as Best Poster Presentation.
Quinn EldridgeMARCEldridge, Q., Steiert, B., Tijernia, X., McCaslin, P., Smith, P., Imai, B., Yau, P., Weber, M. (2024, Jun. 16). Characterization of Chlamydia trachomatis Type III Secreted Effector Protein CebN. American Association of Microbiology 2024 Microbe Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.
Elizabeth EliasMARCLingo, JJ., Elias, E., Koyas, A., Kohlmeyer, J., Tanas, M., Meyerholz, D., Darbro, B., Dodd, R., Klingelhutz, A., and Quelle, D., (2024, May). RABL6A transcriptionally promotes PD-L1 expression in Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors [Oral presentation]. Presented at the Midwest Tumor Microenvironment Conference, University of Madison-Wisconsin.
Elizabeth EliasMARCLingo, JJ., Elias, E., Koyas, A., Kohlmeyer, J., Tanas, M., Meyerholz, D., Darbro, B., Dodd, R., Klingelhutz, A., and Quelle, D., (2024, April). RABL6A transcriptionally promotes PD-L1 expression in Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors [Poster presentation]. Presented at the Microbiology Undergraduate Poster Symposium, University of Iowa.
Molly GuerraMARCEmotion Regulation Difficulties are Associated with Higher Levels of Internalizing Problems in Young Children. Molly Guerra, Micah Williams, & Isaac T. Petersen Ph.D., University of Iowa Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. 2024 APS Annual Convention; San Francisco, CA; May 23-26, 2024.
Madalyn LovejoyMARCRape-Supportive Attitudes among Heterosexual and Sexual Minority College Students: Comparing Heteronormative and Inclusive Measures. Madalyn Lovejoy, University of Iowa; Teresa Treat, University of Iowa (Teresa Treat, Faculty Sponsor). Midwest Psychological Association conference, April 17-20, 2024, Chicago IL.
Lupita Morales AguilarMARCMorales Aguilar, L., Demir-Lira, E., and Martin, A. (January 18, 2023). The Neurocognitive Basis of Numerical Processing in Spanish-English Bilingual Preschoolers, Poster Presenter. National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Jasmyn HoegerMARC
  • Student Networking Luncheon: The Proper Use Of English In Scientific Writing. Conveners: Babak Senfi, Tufts University, Prasanna Valavanur Shekar, Clemson University, Christina Yevtushenko, McGill University, Jasmyn Hoeger, University of Iowa, Eudald Illa-Berenguer, University of Georgia, and Brad Upham, Michigan State University.                                                                                 
  • Student Workshop: Single Cell Rna SequencingConveners: Babak Senfi, Tufts University, Prasanna Valavanur Shekar, Clemson University, Christina Yevtushenko, McGill University, Jasmyn Hoeger, University of Iowa, Eudald Illa-Berenguer, University of Georgia, and Brad Upham, Michigan State University.                                                                                                                                               
  • Templated Editing In Eukaryotic Systems For Gene Therapy And Agriculture. Conveners: Aaron Hummel, Pairwise, and Jasmyn Hoeger, University of Iowa.                                                              

All convened sessions at the 2024 World Congress on In Vitro Biology, St. Louis, MO, June 8 - 12, 2024.

Research in the Capitol, Des Moines, IA

Congratulations to the ISA students who presented at Research in the Capitol on March 25! This was an opportunity for over 1,000 students from the three Regents universities in Iowa to present their work at the Iowa Statehouse to legislators, members of of the Board of Regents, and to the public. The ISA students were: Hannah Back (UI-MARC), Natalie Kehrli (UI-MARC), Precious Pate (LSAMP), Morgan Anderson (Latham), Hannah Franke (Latham), and Nicole Boodhoo (Latham). The full program with presentation titles and abstracts can be found here.

Spring Undergraduate Research Festival (SURF), University of Iowa

The Spring Undergraduate Research Festival (SURF) took place on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024. ISA Students Waad Abdella (LSAMP), Nicole Boodhoo (Latham), Fabiola Castaneda-Santiago (Science Alliance), Molly Guerra (MARC), Mary Haag (Latham), Natalie Kehrli (MARC), Alexia Lynn (MARC), Precious Pate (LSAMP), and Morgan Anderson (Latham) all presented posters on scientific communication at the event. Visit this ISA article to read more about the event and see the posters presented by our students.

If you are an ISA student, have you presented at any other events not listed here? Let us know by sending us a note and photo to, and we are happy to showcase your achievements!