Vincent G.J. Rodgers, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Vincent Rodgers is a native of St. Louis City and St. Louis County. After graduating from De Smet Jesuit High School, he went on to major in physics, mathematics and a minor in computer science from the University of Dayton where he received the B.S. From there, Vincent went to Syracuse University for a PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics under the advisement of Prof. A.P. Balachandran. During his five years at Syracuse, Vincent worked on topological solitons, in order to develop the mathematics of particles like protons and neutron. From Syracuse he went to the Institute of Fundamental Theory at the University of Florida and worked as a postdoc with Prof. Pierre Ramond on String Field Theory for two years and from did another two year postdoc at the (now called) Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics at S.U.N.Y Stonybrook. There he continued with research in string theory and supergravity with Prof. Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen. Vincent joined the University of Iowa from there and has been a professor here since. Presently he directs the Diffeomorphisms and Geometry group that focuses on gravitational and particle theory research and has graduated more than ten PhD students. He is also co-director of the IINSPIRE and co-investigator in ISA. Vincent is a strong advocate of outreach and public engagement and can often be seen at Hawk-Eyes on Science and Hawk-Eyes in Space venues with colleague Dale Stille. Vincent has an identical twin brother, Victor Rodgers, who is a professor in bio-engineering at the University of California Riverside.