

Provost Peter Nathan applies for the NIH IMSD (Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity) undergraduate training grant; creates the Iowa Biosciences Advantage Program alias.


IBA partners with thirteen other student development programs and academic departments on campus to design and implement a new retention program for minority students at the University of Iowa called The Iowa Edge.


The Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, referred to as IINSPIRE LSAMP, is established. IINSIPRE LSAMP is an NSF LSAMP alliance among sixteen two-year and four-year colleges and universities working together to broaden the participation of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the Midwest.


IBA partners with the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences at the

University of Iowa to develop an undergraduate certificate in translational science.


IBA offers the first 8-week seminar series designed to train research mentors called “Entering Mentoring”.


The UI LSAMP program, which operates as part of the IINSIPRE LSAMP alliance, graduates its first interns.


A request to change from “iowa biosciences advantage” to “Iowa Biosciences Academy” is approved by NIH.


Latham Fellows Program is established and the first cohort of fellows are identified.


Science Alliance Program is created.


Peer Mentoring Program is created.


The NIH MARC grant is funded which will replace the NIH IMSD training program.


Iowa Biosciences Academy shifts to Iowa Sciences Academy to become the umbrella for a cadre of programs that support student success in the sciences.

  • Iowa Biosciences Academy becomes the Iowa Sciences Academy


    Iowa Biosciences Academy shifts to Iowa Sciences Academy to become the umbrella for a cadre of programs that support student success in the sciences.

  • New NIH MARC Grant


    The NIH MARC grant is funded which will replace the NIH IMSD training program.

  • New Peer Mentoring Program


    Peer Mentoring Program is created.

  • Science Alliance Program established


    Science Alliance Program is created.

  • Latham Fellows Program established


    Latham Fellows Program is established and the first cohort of fellows are identified.

  • Iowa Biosciences Advantage becomes Iowa Biosciences Academy


    A request to change from “Iowa Biosciences Advantage” to “Iowa Biosciences Academy” is approved by NIH.

  • UI LSAMP Program Internship Graduates


    The UI LSAMP program, which operates as part of the IINSIPRE LSAMP alliance, graduates its first interns.

  • Entering Mentoring seminar series


    IBA offers the first 8-week seminar series designed to train research mentors called “Entering Mentoring”.

  • New undergraduate certificate in Translational Science


    IBA partners with the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences at the University of Iowa to develop an undergraduate certificate in translational science.

  • IINSPIRE LSAMP established


    The Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, referred to as IINSPIRE LSAMP, is established. IINSIPRE LSAMP is an NSF LSAMP alliance among sixteen two-year and four-year colleges and universities working together to broaden the participation of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the Midwest.

  • IBA partners with 13 other student development programs on campus


    IBA partners with thirteen other student development programs and academic departments on campus to design and implement a new retention program for minority students at the University of Iowa called The Iowa Edge.

  • NIH IMSD/Iowa Biosciences Advantage Program created


    Provost Peter Nathan applies for the NIH IMSD (Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity) undergraduate training grant; creates the Iowa Biosciences Advantage Program alias.