Susan Lutgendorf, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Co-Director, Behavioral and Biomedical Interface Training Program (T32)
Dewey B. Stuit Professor

Research Interests

Psychoneuroimmunology, Psycho-oncology, Stress management and mindfulness for chronic illness

The Lutgendorf lab studies biological mechanisms underlying effects of stress and resilience on disease. The main projects in the laboratory examine effects of psychological stress on neuroendocrine function, inflammation, and tumor biology. We are currently conducting a multi-site clinical trial investigating effects of a stress management and lifestyle intervention on quality of life and biological outcomes in ovarian cancer patients.

Susan Lutgendorf
PhD, University of Miami, 1994
Contact Information

479 Psychological and Brain Sciences Building (PBSB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States